Friday, July 15, 2016

GOP Establishment, Trump and MIKE PENCE (pictured) or Find Villain!

UPDATE: The NICE, France Massacre caused a RE-SCHEDULE but Gov. Mike PENCE is to be TRUMP's VP as if YOU did not know already! A Brief List of Present TRUMP Supporters And One or More Maybe Not! Let the veepstakes BEGIN! The mass media has suggested some truly ridiculous candidates that are truly "off the wall" since they stand with the Democrats and Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment in their support of Hillary Clinton for no apparent reason. GOP ex VP Candidate/AK Gov Sarah Palin (She would be THINKING---Yes, Mr Trump, I'd net YOU 6 electoral votes but I knew McCain would settle for 1 or 2 So I took it!) N.Mex. Gov. Susana Martinez S Car. Gov. Nikki Haley S Car Sen. Tim Scott NJ Gov. Chris (Give the Sandwich to me) Christi Gained fame for allegedly and viciously closing a bridge he probably knew nothing about. Did he instruct Democrats to "sit on it!"??? Some Democrats MAY have camped out on the bridge to "occupy it" and thus "SIT ON IT". Fmr Speaker US House Newt Gingrich Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst Ret. Marine Corps Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis Dr Ben Carson Rev. Franklin Graham The Rev. Billy Graham (Franklin Graham's father ) has retired. Alleged "Uniters" Sen. Marco Rubio, , JK & Mit R Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana was promoted by Value Voter Summit On July 10, 2016, The Washington Times quoted James Bopp, who is an Indiana delegate to the Republican National Convention, as stating "a 95 percent probability" that Gov. Mike Pence will become presumptive nominee Donald Trump's choice for VP Maracopa AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio May 16, 2016 ... A federal judge has ruled that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and some of his top aides intentionally violated a federal court order meant to allow illegal aliens to trespass at will into the US even though Mexico law says GRINGOS will go to prison if they do likewise and trespass into Mexico. Billionaire Businessman Carl Icahn Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker, union fighter and hero of the people. Celebrity Joe Scarborough (FAIR) He kind of resembles Robert Redford in his movie,"The Way We Were". except Redford had no glasses in that 1970s time. He was almost Joseph Charles (A JC) but name was reversed to Charles Joseph, a massive Republican wave that swept through the Florida Panhandle. Republicans swept nearly all of the region's seats in the state legislature, and have held them ever since. Scarborough was reelected as a Florida Representative with 72 percent of the vote in 1996. In 1998 and 2000, he was opposed by only a write-in candidate. CJ Scarborough received a 95 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union and actually signed the Contract with America with Newt Gingrich and about 40 freshmen Republican legislators who chose to name themselves the "New Federalists" after The Federalist Papers. Scarborough served on the Armed Services, Judiciary, Government Reform, and Education committees. and in 1998, he was named Chairman of the Civil Service Committee. The Ohio John Known as Gov Kasich who continued to be voted for because "he was there" as in the movie."Being There" about an unqualified success gardener who was selected to be an important Democrat by mistake but took it. He became famous after he won his home state with the help of Marco Rubio who was running Trump interference for the GOP establishment to enable Kasich to "carry on". Consequently, Kasich continued to "carry on" for no apparent reason except to thwart the will of the people for his inglorious GOP Establishment who make the Tories and Loyalists of the 1700s look like rank amateur self-serving mothers' mistakes. The GOP Establishment headed by Mitt Romney and a few others, has chosen to promote lackluster sure losers against people like Ronald Reagan in 1976. The GOP establishment chose Gerald Ford, A) Ford was almost completely unknown until VP Agnew was eliminated before Nixon was eliminated. Ford pardoned Nixon which was the equivalent to falling down which the media made a big deal out of when Ford stumbled and fell although he did not sustain brain damage like Hillary Clinton when she fell. The media has almost totally ignored Mrs. Clinton's head injury, deciding apparently that she is "improved" and apparently needed it. Movie Star/Producer/Fmr Mayor Carmine,Ca Clint Eastwood Who could ever forget Eastwood's FABULOUS "Empty Chair" Speech! THAT was RICH! Fmr Minn. Gov/wrestler Jesse Ventura Fmr Mass. Sen. Scott Brown Non-GOPe known "legit" Sen. Jeff Sessions Okla.Gov. Mary Fallin Gov. Rick Scott Allegedly ppl say "WHO?" but would THESE PROBABLY WOULD say,"Yes" Dallas Police Chief David Brown (Shown here as NOT grieving as on TV) Daniel Andrias SanDiego Eco-TERRORIST entioned here because he has been HIDING OUT for YEARS Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. Lt. Gen. (ret.) Michael T. Flynn. (DOD) fmr director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and fmr chairman of the Military Intelligence Board. Actor James Woods Indianna GOVERNOR Mike PENCE, the VP of CHOICE!
Actor/Director Scott Baio (older now) Nobel Prize laureate Ivar Giaever who KNOWS climate change is HOAX beyond summer, fall, winter, and spring. Texas Senator (no longer just a ) John (In Texas) Cornyn CalRepresentative Darrel Issa New York Representative Peter King Kentucky Senator Rand (Corp) Paul Former Alas poor Perry. He would have been OK but just not TRUMP OK... ************************************************** HERE'S A RANT!!! ************************************************** The former Texas Governor Rick (O'Shay) Perry, who disguised as Clark Kent, fights a never-ending battle for TRUTH, justice and the American Way sporting glasses since he found out Jib Jab Jeb! was to get the nod of the NGSOB GOPe AKA no-good, sons of beachbums GOP Establishment jerks of themselves, by themselves, FOR themselves...who have the permission of the faceless silent majority -- to burn in hell. y tried to TRIP TRUMP at every twist and turn as they had Ronald Reagan because after all, they are REALLY N.G.S.O.Bs. To TRUMP's credit, he stayed the course, despite all those dirty, down low, NGSOBs trying every trick in the BOOK to get their wonderful Hillary. This has earned them a place next to Mo1, who promised 72 so he would never get lonesome way down there! Of course, GOPe do not really believe in way down there and do not realize that it is JUST separation from God, which is hellishly deserved by these, these expletives. Paul Ryan is with them due to his wait for it, wait for it...OK I will conditionally endorse the peoples' choice and kiss my career good-bye for this as has probably Louisiana's left handed complementing endorsement that rated the most mean, spiteful straight-razor toting ....endorsement of all Bobby (BJ) Jindal.who has served Louisiana well but got "sideways" about Trump. OK Gov. Jindal, WHATEVER Trump said could not have been ALL THAT BAD yet YOU react as if TRUMP threw bricks at YOUR grandmother or WORSE. Maybe you just wanted attention and your EGO was not all that lacerated and shredded and pulverized. We HOPE there is HOPE for the likes of Bobby Jindal...and we HOPE he has "come around" to sight of the LIGHT. ************************************************** NO, TRUMP is NOT perfect but he is far and away better than Jib Jab or Rubio or most likely Cruz since Cruz is widely seen as a stealthy spoiler of the Cuban duo fast-tracked to do in TRUMP. We WISH we were wrong about this guy but there he was trying to influence Trump to a bad VP choice and generally fooling around aided and abetted by the lowly John the Kasich who still wants to deny Trump Ohio which TRUMP will GET ANYWAY because Ohioans are too smart for John known as Kasich, that snake-in-the-grass-horse's hoof. Likewise his place is with Mo1, since he is among the vilest of the low and the LOWEST of the VILE! ************************************************** Not wishing to get trash-mouthy, we just call the GOPe, the wrong-siders. Buncha self-serving jerks and jerkettes. ************************************************** Wanted to mention Trump's backers, endorsers, and friends even a few friendless GOPe who are NOT bound for "Canaan's Land" as the saying goes. They know who they are and Karl Rove cannot drop from their midst despite "walking the line" lately since he remains unconvinced that the GOPe cannot screw up Trump and GIVE the WH to Hillary. They are beyond VILE...beyond despicable. They are Clintonian! ************************************************** A specially gifted Painter and ACTOR more deserving of online mention than MOST POLITICIANS, as a HARD-WORKING ACTOR Nominated—Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play Michael T. Weiss may not vote much less endorse anybody. It is official that AG Loretta Lynch, Esq.will accept prosecutors' call to do nothing to Hillary Clinton allowing her to get away with "extreme carelessness also known as gross negligence" in her Email mishandling case. Eric Tucker desires to keep his job and continue his career probably rewarded as Ms Lynch will most likely be rewarded by Hilary Clinton. The voters will decide if they want a Democrat who is always qualified by "capers", misbehaving and monkey-business" or a serious person who can do a good job as President. Most lawyers are uniquely unqualified because of their past misdeeds, "gray area reasoning" and rule-bending. ************************************************** AG Loretta Lynch, Esq.dodged every question referring the prosecution that will never be to AG prosecuting Attorney Eric Tucker who was never mentioned even once but referred to a prosecutors to "muddy the water". ************************************************** On Friday night, july 8, 2016,at a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser in a D.C. suburb such as Georgetown, those SLIMEBALL GOP Establishment IDIOTS FOR HILLARY were at it AGAIN. Beyond desoicable and fast approaching non-polishable TURD, on Sunday, they even staged a conference call outlining a campaign strategy to place yet another knife in TRUMP's back. This a week away the start of the Republican National Convention, "Never Trump" Republicans are SLIME-ing up an all-out LOW-DOWN degenerate war to TRIP Donald Trump's and seal their places in INFAMY. ************************************************** IF the GOP Establishment had EVER HAD a candidate WORTH 15 CENTS, they would be 1% mitigated but they're still lacking is a candidate to replace TRUMP as always and KNOW this COULD hand the presidency to Hillary. ************************************************** Words cannot express the DISGUST of this blogger for these SLIMY WORMS. A tiny group of rogue delegates lead by Regina Thompson, who was mistakenly chosen as a Colorado delegate, RNC credentials committee member. She is a rogue, outlaw executive director of Free the Delegates, one of the groups that have crawled out of the woodwork to oppose Trump's bid. She outlined the long-shot, desperate strategies they're hustling in the few days left before Trump is officially made GOP nominee. ************************************************** The GOP Establishment, was further driven by Hillary Clinton's IN-YOUR-FACE declaration that "AG Loretta Lynch might get the AG spot LATER and Lynch HINTED in her Congressional testimony that her days are numbered until Obama and his regime are headed home crying and pulling out their hair. ************************************************** Former President had an "accidental" meeting in 108 degree heat in Phoenix Arizona to "discuss grand kids". Did Bill Clinton REMIND Lynch that it was he who had PROMOTED Lynch? ************************************************** As NOT DONE by Regina Thompson against Obama, she is doing a legal maneuver to eliminate some states' delegates that voted for TRUMP. Most likely the FIX is in for this, since judges THWART the will of the people ALL THE TIME for the Democrats.. ************************************************** Lobbying members of the GOP rules committee will be "arm-twisted" to support a "conscience clause" that would allow delegates to vote for someone other than the winner they are bound to by their state's primary results.and RUIN the chances of the only possible hope that America has of AVOIDING another Clinton Regime. ************************************************** The GOP Establishment wants to continue AMERICA'S decline so that the recession and the TREATIES will finish off the remaining good paying jobs in America. ************************************************** The $15 minimum wage would "benefit" 2.8% of the workforce and finish off the fast food industry because the manager would have to run the entire automated fast-food place with his girlfriend earning $15 per hour, and selling $10 hamburgers and $5 hot dogs.

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